As the traditional lines between nature and technology continue to blur, the camera in every smartphone uploading “reality samples” onto the cloud becomes an extension of the human eye, providing the palette of content from which we collectively draw. This is the creative landscape where the art of Ben Moon, a frenetic mix of painting, found collage and original sonic compositions is born.
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“Harder We Fall” is the latest series from acclaimed N.Y.C. multimedia artist Ben Moon. It tells the story of a lonely alien who becomes obsessed with T.V. shows and movies beaming out from earth since the dawn of the radio age, the only thing capable of penetrating deep space to reach his distant home planet. One day he learns to harness the unique frequency signatures of these broadcasts and travel at the speed of light back to the place and time where the transmissions originated.
Each painting in the series is accompanied by a corresponding original musical composition. Together they provide a multimedia record of what he discovered during this epic journey of Love, death and resurrection.
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